“Sport is not only a form of entertainment, but also — and above all I would say — a tool to communicate values that promote the good that is in humans and help build a more peaceful and fraternal society”
~Pope Francis
The Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) is a Parish, Church and Community based organization in the Diocese of Brooklyn. It consists of a cooperative union of administrative staff, operational volunteers, pastors, PAR’s, AD’s, coaches, and parents with the common purpose of promoting and maintaining the mission and philosophical goals of the CYO, while affording opportunities for continued collaboration with the various departments of the School of Evangelization.
The goal of the C. Y. O. is to assist parishes in creating an opportunity for youth to participate in programs and activities which will enable them to grow and assume leadership roles in the church and parish community.
The C.Y.O. establishes leagues and programs for the sports and recreational programs of parishes of the Diocese of Brooklyn. |